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Elijah McClain
Elijah McClain died after the Aurora, Colorado police restrained him with a now-banned carotid hold on August 24, 2019. Mr. McClain was a massage therapist who is said to have loved animals and who taught himself to play the guitar and the violin. Elijah was walking home from a convenience store when someone called 911, saying he “looked sketchy” and was wearing a ski mask and waving his arms. While restrained, he said “I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to do that, I can’t breathe correctly.”
Read more about Elijah at a New York Times article. Watch a video of Elijah narrated by Trent Williams, NFL football player on You Tube
‘Patterns of Consumption’
Artwork by Tania Abramsom
Threatened Diversity
“Patterns of Consumption” is one in a series of five “portrait” paintings, when seen together represent the diverse life of tropical rainforests- avian, mammal, amphibian, insect, and plant. Hanging in front of each image is a more ominous sign- tangible threats by humans, like slash and burn agriculture, damning up rivers, transforming forests into cattle grazing pastures, and chain sawing it all into oblivion. These threats, now printed on plexiglass, are displayed in such a way that they partially camouflage each noble specimen, while also casting shadows across their images. The overlaid panel is purposely placed close to the image so that one can’t escape the pairing. How would these paintings convey the urgency we are up against, if the aesthetic portrait itself remained unobscured?
The focus of this body of work is the implication of humanity’s threat to our home planet. The capitalist system of extraction, exploitation and infinite growth invariably imperils humankind, no less than the diversity of species. Though we hold the cards to the resurrection of our world, our proverbial house is already tumbling down.
Tania Abramson
Reader Comment
Such high quality, amazing writing, and so very needed. My experience is not the American experience, even though I follow it closely. So many of my friends are either born in the States or live there, and what happens today in the States usually happens tomorrow elsewhere. The country where I live, Peru, has been - as most Latin American countries - 'contaminated' by extreme capitalism, exported by the US who have always regarded LATAM as their back yard, and our leaders only too eager to follow, and to follow their whiteness. For 500 years our native poplations have been enslaved, even by each other before the Spaniards came. What a miserable history does humanity have. And still I believe we can do better. Thank you for BREATHING. It's excellent. I'll pass it on.
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