Two Poems: The Wolf: a Riddle for the Pandemic & Holding On

By Lyn Coffin

The Wolf: a Riddle for the Pandemic

This wolf had seven stones in his stomach. 

Each of the stones weighed seven pounds. 

Each stone wasn't rolling and so had gathered 

a blanket of moss. Each blanket of  moss 

weighed half a pound. In each blanket of moss

were three blind mice and each of the mice 

weighed half a pound. Each mouse held clenched 

in its teeth an egg laid by a barnyard 

goose, but each egg had been bronzed like a baby's 

shoe, so each weighed exactly a pound....  

This greedy wolf then swallowed a girl, 

a hooded girl who was young and afraid:

nobody cares how much the wolf weighed.


On a hot metal shingle at the crest of a roof sits 

a not now raucous Crow, his prodigious black 

racket of a moment ago turned to stubborn

audacious silence because he holds in his 

beak a ring he has just stolen from the 

only gods there are but the gold he 

holds in surprising triumph 

will turn when the ring 

falls from his yellow 

beak into familiar 

failure, and 




Lyn Coffin has had more than 30 of her books published- by Doubleday, Ithaca House, and others. Her novel, The Aftermath, was published by Adelaide Books (New York) late last year. A free ebook of this novel is available at…

Lyn Coffin has had more than 30 of her books published- by Doubleday, Ithaca House, and others. Her novel, The Aftermath, was published by Adelaide Books (New York) late last year. A free ebook of this novel is available at (and put MK92E in the discount code box) Poems of hers have appeared in over 100 small or large magazines. She is a poetry reader for Bracken.


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