Seattle Curfew
By Hamish Todd
The town I grew up in
The town I got jobs
And found apartments
And took care of myself
Lays tonight in ruin
Victim to looters and hooligans
Looking to make the most
Of an ugly mood
Kneed to death by three
White cops
Kneeing George Floyd in his neck
Ignoring pleas,
“I can’t breathe.”
Squeezed the life out of the
Innocent black man
What is Trump’s plan?
Divider in Chief
Why all the fire?
Seems to me it’s been
Simmering for a long long time
As Seattle got too fancy
For her own good
And poor folk can’t
Afford to live there,
Can’t afford to shop there
Can’t afford car insurance
Never mind a parking spot
The rich and the poor
Are entrenched now
The divisions too thick
Set like a Civil War statue
If I’m a young Black man now
You bet your life
I’m smashing some things
I’m tired of this shit
Enough is enough
Cute guy in the middle - lives in Washington