In the Garden of Time
By Neil Vincent Scott - November 10, 2024
turn the news off
turn the music up
let us once again
tend to the garden of goodness and light
as darkness descends
on the trampled flowers of promise
morning will surely follow
after the mourning
together we must
breathe the breath of beauty
of kindness
of resilience
knowing it’s ok
not to be ok
and for the love of god
i am not ok
my soul is scorched
my heart is bruised and battered
it’s happened before
the death of a dream
another will likely follow
as we weed the garden
in the dirt that is now
with real eyes
that singers must continue to sing
artists need to again lovingly create
poets must exude passion and truth
dreamers must once again dream
and fighters
all of us in the fight for decency
must continue to fight
all in the order of now
in the garden of time
Neil Vincent Scott is a veteran radio broadcaster, as well as an accomplished poet. His most recent works were published in ‘Wheelsong Anthology 4’ in the UK. His poetry writing dates back to 1979, with his first publication “Midnight Sunshine”.
His latest collection, “The Stained Glass Chronicles” will be published in 2025
Neil is a producer/host at iHeart Radio in Seattle, hosting ‘Men’s Health Matters’ on 93.3 KJR-FM, as well as the national podcast, ‘Recovery – Coast to Coast’. In addition, he is a national sports radio reporter, covering the Seattle Seahawks, Seattle Mariners, and the Washington Husky football team. He has lived in Seattle, Washington since 1980.
Contact:; 206-972-2000