The Problem of the 21st Century

Halford H. Fairchild, Ph.D. lives in California

Halford H. Fairchild, Ph.D. lives in California

By Halford H. Fairchild, Ph.D.

The problem of the world 

     Is the problem of race

From London to L.A.,

     We see it every place.


DuBois said it best

     A century ago:

The color line is something

     That just has to go!


From Africa, Asia 

     To the Islands of the Sea

The problem of race

     Is deep in you and me.


The history of the Western World

     Is one of exploitation.

Cultural genocide

     And extermination.


Today we hear

     A Bootstraps Metaphor

“Pull yourselves up!

     You won’t be so poor!”


But the winners of the race war

     Were not meritorious.

“Might makes right!”

     Made them victorious.


For hundreds of years, 

     And even today,

People were hunted

     Killed and enslaved.


This is how 

     The west was won:

Racism justified 

     The use of the gun.


Most of us have 

     A certain forgetfulness

We tend to believe in

     The correctness of Whiteness.


What we need to do

     Is rewrite history

So people of color

     Can claim their humanity.


What we seek 

     Is a brand new day

Where all on Earth

     Can hopefully say:


“I have what I need

     And I need no more!

Let us celebrate

     The end of war!”


This is the vision

     I want to leave you with:

A world at peace 

     And love in our midst.


We hope one day

     That the problem of race

Will be solved 

     So we each have a place


In a world at peace

     And social harmony

White, Black, Red, Yellow, Brown:

     A new unity.


In H.H. Fairchild (Ed.), (Re)Solving violence in America (2nd edition). Delhi: Indo American Books.


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