The Day He Left - inauguration day 2021

Raised in L.A., educated at UC Berkeley in music and Harvard Graduate School in composition, Joel Kabakov received a Graduate Prize Fellowship and doctorate in composition. Encounters with master poets Octavio Paz and Robert Lowell at Harvard encour…

Raised in L.A., educated at UC Berkeley in music and Harvard Graduate School in composition, Joel Kabakov received a Graduate Prize Fellowship and doctorate in composition. Encounters with master poets Octavio Paz and Robert Lowell at Harvard encouraged his poetry. “Available Light”, a book of collected poems was published in 2015 by Goldfish Press. “The poems are eloquent and well-crafted, ranging from fastidious and poetic to loose-limbed vernacular”…Harvard Colloquy. JK now lives in The Dalles, directs “Europatopia” ensemble and teaches at CGCC. See link for more on Joel

By Joel Kabakov

The day he left

two hawks were sited

copulating in the sky

above the lake


put there by a poet

returning from exile,

driven to lie

about all truths


until, as Einstein postulated,

they returned on bends in the cosmos

to their origins


the day he left

chaos played its last card

folded its hand

raked in a few coins

and left the table


the day he left

myriad libidos were lifted

from order to class to genus

to just us

peeking over our wine glasses


the day he left

headlines, op eds and journals

all spoke with one voice, one word

one syllable

as in day one of creation


an ancient fountain buried

beneath Pompeian ash

began to >low

on the day he left


an army of news reporters

buried the expression

“we now know”

on the day he left


on the day he left

curtains drawn,

not every demon left the room,

some thing of him



an evil thing bereft

on the day he left.



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