
By Stephen Mead

Keep headlights off in case of snipers

while hopefully the engine's hum blends with the summer cicada drone.


Those groves under moon could be the gothic beauty of vineyards still

mixed with bushes of sumac and other vegetable fields

of any Romania which could even be in Vermont now

that authoritarianism has gone global

where all-so-right religions claim that to be against Fascism

is traitorous every here where they said

the dystopian could not possibly ever happen.


Yes, it is Lyssa's time even in the rural - Lyssa, spirit of madness & frenzy

with her maniae sisters in the all-over night, the myth of Nyx

which bore them for such petrichor sulfurous as rain on the wind

coming wicked to this day's darkening showing most

have become stowaways looking over our shoulders

and staying closest to walls until open waves may take us

to places which name us human enough still

where there's less sanctuaries for multitudes.


Oh great tall strident Woman of Liberty with a crown

may your lamp be lifted yet beyond such rubble

where we are steles, modern-day, created to be tales

encrusted with crystal and fossils micro-plastics seal in,

our bodies, leather sandbags, flesh textured to become coves, rocks

topographical as the tactile Paper Mache maps in old school rooms, ancestral,

those mountainous reliefs of borders engraved with names like poems

more weather erases the authors of

in this vast cylindrically-spinning post climate-change world.

Stephen Mead is an Outsider multi-media artist and writer.  Since the 1990s he’s been grateful to many editors for publishing his work in print zines and eventually online.  Recently his work has appeared in CROW NAME, WORDPEACE and DuckuckMongoose. Currently he is resident artist/curator for The Chroma Museum, artistic renderings of LGBTQI historical figures, organizations and allies predominantly before Stonewall, The Chroma Museum - The Chroma Museum (


Our Lungs

