Blinding Morning
By Marjorie Sadin
Blinding morning sun in my eyes,
I pass masked people like me.
Nod hello, walk in the street to social
distance. We do this for each other.
Still there are some who don’t
Crammed inside a room with
no masks - super spreaders.
They are the ones who
don’t believe.
Three hundred thousand expected to
die by year’s end. And still there are
some who don’t believe.
Experts warn a spike in the fall, still
some don’t believe.
As the sick go to work, fraternities
throw parties, and children breathe on
each other at school - hospitals fill up
and they believe.
As people lose their houses, their retirement,
the food on their tables, they believe.
The sun blinds me.
What I cannot see is causing death.
Still I believe.