Without a Moral Compass

By Russell Willis

It is without a sense of expectation that we come

No hope that guides or drives

No goal to reach, no job to do

Simply continue on our way as if the puzzle’s 

Solved the moment we arrive at where we’ve come

To finally raise our eyes to see

That which is now

Need not have been

If looking up had been required

Before we set upon this path 

Russell Willis won the Sapphire Prize in Poetry in the 2022 Jewels in the Queen’s Crown Contest (Sweetycat Press) and has published poetry in thirty online and print journals and twenty print anthologies. Russell grew up in and around Texas and was vocationally scattered as an engineer, ethicist, college/university teacher and administrator, and Internet education entrepreneur throughout the Southwest and Great Plains, finally settling in Vermont with his wife, Dawn. He emerged as a poet in 2019 with the publication of three poems in The Write Launch. Russell’s website is https://REWillisWrites.com

