Willful Ignorance
By Russell Willis
willful ignorance
rendered as scent, evokes
a smoldering book
Turns out, I knew it all along.
It was there, and not so deep within.
There, not lurking but waiting.
Waiting to be discovered…no…rediscovered;
knowing that it was true (or false) because,
turns out, I have a conscience.
I knew it even when I tried to ignore it,
pretending it was not, insisting it was not,
shouting that it was not, AND NEITHER ARE YOU!
All that work, that tiresome debilitating work,
to try to hide from the truth, so much hiding,
from so much truth.
It is not even that I should have known.
I did know, but damned if I would listen.
Damned if I would act, that I would say no,
or yes, or whatever needed to be said,
to be done, to be remembered as true.
And here we are ignoring, again…