March 2025

Dedicated to Art and Social Justice

New Posts Published Weekly on Mondays - New Cover Monthly

The collaborative poem in this week’s post emerged as I talked on the phone with Millie Renfrow when she was in seclusion during the pandemic. She said she wasn’t writing much poetry, and I asked her to tell me about her days of what she called nothing, and I started jotting down what she was saying and arranged them in a poem. I shared the poem with her daughter who sent me some pictures of the sketches that Millie had made. This is one of those sketches

The poem does speak of being alone and keeping yourself occupied. But those times aren’t so different as they are now. Trump has created a pandemic and if we get depressed, we are in danger of hibernation. We were staying home back then and now there will be more staycations because of national Park closures, due to staffing shortages. You know, all that money we wasted on people to clean bathrooms at national parks, and search and rescue, and taking entry fees, and shockingly on educating the public!

Mary Ellen Talley

(See post below titled A Long Time of Nothing)

This is one of three sketches drawn by Millie Renfrow during her seclusion during the pandemic. They are untitled.

We are an artistic community that recognizes the intersectionality of all injustices 
and believes that art is essential to social change and more justice.

By Lew Jones

Our new format is to publish weekly posts with a monthly cover art work. We now maintain a collection of accepted submissions available for future weekly posts. Our intent is to be able to more quickly respond to changing world events. So if something is submitted that speaks powerfully to the moment, we may publish that sooner. Please be patient. Once your submission has been accepted, we will post it sometime in the following weeks. 

By Lew Jones

Watercolor by Michael Moreth

By Lew Jones

Watercolor by Michael Moreth

By Lew Jones

Watercolor by Michael Moreth